We call on political parties to firmly stand against candidate Călin Georgescu

Following the first round of the presidential elections, Romanians have decided to send two candidates – Călin Georgescu and Elena Lasconi – to the second round of the elections for President of Romania.

We respect the vote of the citizens who elected candidate Călin Georgescu. At the same time, information in the public arena shows that he is a real danger to democracy, rights and freedoms in Romania. Through his statements, Călin Georgescu is challenging hard-won rights won over the last 35 years and is a direct threat to citizens, institutions and Romania’s European orientation. Furthermore, the open support expressed by Călin Georgescu for Russia and Vladimir Putin represents a threat to national security, in a geopolitical context marked by the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine, the worst armed conflict in Europe since the Second World War.

We list some of the views expressed by Călin Georgescu, which we consider a major danger for democracy and the Romanian state:

  • Călin Georgescu opposes Romania’s European project, on which there is a national consensus and which is mentioned in the Romanian Constitution. In addition, Călin Georgescu recently declared that he would abandon NATO if he became president.


  • On several occasions, Călin Georgescu has praised people guilty of crimes, such as Corneliu Zelea Codreanu and Ion Antonescu, which indicates the openness to the use of violence in politics and the marginalization of ethnic minorities.


  • The candidate also expresses his openness and admiration for authoritarian and dictatorial regimes, first and foremost that of Vladimir Putin in Russia.


  • Călin Georgescu denies discoveries from various fields of science – medicine, physics, mathematics, astrophysics – in favor of mystical-religious explanations. Undermining confidence in science, especially medicine, is a serious threat to public health.


  • The candidate denies equal rights and disregards women, for whom he reserves a maternal or supportive role, while giving only men leading roles in society.


  • At the same time, Mr. Georgescu excludes from society, through his discourse, different social groups such as the LGBT community, Roma, Jews.


  • On the economic area, Mr.Georgescu proposes a utopian, manipulative and populist program in response to the expectations of the Romanian electorate.


For all these reasons, we believe that Mr. Georgescu is a real danger to the rule of law, democracy and freedom in Romania. We believe that his entire election campaign is based on manipulation and populist response to citizens’ expectations and on exploiting voters’ legitimate discontent with the current political class.

This is why we call on all political parties in Romania to take a firm, public stance against Călin Georgescu and to support his counter-candidate, Elena Lasconi.

Our request does not represent unconditional support for Elena Lasconi. It is our belief that Elena Lasconi will have the wisdom, reason and modesty to understand her unique situation. She will understand that this public endorsement is for a set of shared values and not for the party that is proposing it. From the position of President, she will act not as a representative of a party, but as a catalyst for repairing the lack of trust that is now plaguing Romanian society.

Our organizations will continue to penalize the misdeeds of political leaders, whoever they may be.



CeRe: Resource Center for Public Participation

CIVICA Association

Center for Legal Resource

European Center for Legal Education and Research (ECLER)

Rădăuțiul Civic Association


Spiritual Militia

MozaiQ LGBT Association

Respiro Association Human Rights Research Center

Foundation for Civil Society Development

Center for Public Innovation

FONSS – Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for Social Services – 46 NGO members

FILIA Center

ANAIS Association

Ecopolis Center for Sustainable Policies

Center for the Study of Democracy

Romanian Youth Movement for Democracy

Estuar Foundation

On Stop Association

Association Feminism Romania

TERRA Millennium III Foundation

Romanian Center for European Policies

Transcena Association


Give Life

ARAS – Romanian Anti-AIDS Association

Partner for You Association

LOGS Association – Social Initiative Group

PARADA Foundation

UNIC Association

Corona Iasi Foundation

Ecovas Association

Romanian Women’s Lobby Association

Women Get Involved

Mediation and Community Safety Center Foundation

ImagIS Association

Romanian Angel Appeal Foundation

Youth for Youth Foundation

Center Partnership for Equality – CPE

Roma Education Fund

A.R.T. Fusion Association

Bankwatch Romania

Association Center for Nonprofit Legislation – CLNR

SEVA Suceava Association

Together Agency Foundation

Orientat Association

E-Romnja Association (Association for the Promotion of Women’s Rights in Rome)

Dizabil.EU Group

Civic Magura Initiative Group

I.O.R. Civic Initiative Group Titan

Kiseleff Civic Initiative Group

True Health Association

Accept Association

ECPI- Euroregional Center for Public Initiatives

euRespect Association

Association Sustainable Organized Society SOS

People First Association

Federation National Council of Disability in Romania

Real Sports Association

Artipic Association

„Me, You and Them” Association

Queer Sisterhood Cluj- Hilltop Org

Vulgar Association

Loud Iași Community Initiative Group

Identity.Education Association

Aresel Civic Platform Association

Association for Community Relations (ARC)

Royal Margareta of Romania Foundation

Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation

Țara Făgărașului Community Foundation

Brasov Community Foundation

Făgăraș Research Institute

Mediawise Society

Transylvania Transparent Association/Átlátszó Erdély

Network to Prevent and Combat Violence Against Women (VAW Network), 25 member organizations

Coalition for Gender Equality, 15 member organizations

Bucharest Community Foundation

Civic Floreasca

IOTA Association

Gabriela Ionescu and Slavomir Popovici Cultural Association

Super Festival Association


Romanian Youth Council Federation

Education Saves You Association

Romanian Ecotourism Association

Inovatrium Association

Amural Association

Association Sports Club Logic 64 Brasov

Colors Association

Rise OUT Association

Association SEX vs BARZA

Association [H] Brasov

TransCore Association

Creionam Viitorul Association

Clean Bucovina Association

Forum Apulum

Right Association

AnA – Society for Feminist Analysis

Mod of Life Association

Mures Community Foundation

Suryam Association

Buckner Foundation

Civic Initiative Group – For playgrounds and green spaces in Grozăvești

Association of Romanian Women in Italy – ADRI

Freedom House Foundation, Romania

Social Dialogue Group – SDG

Association Supporting Social Integration (ASIS)

Timisoara Society

Association for Technology and Internet – ApTI

Integration Center for Migrants Brasov (ARPCPS)

New Data Academy Association


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